Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fun Fun Fun Fat Quarter Game

During our Christmas in July Celebration, we played a fun fat quarter game using a special set of dice you can get at Spencers Gifts - the dice have dots, a letter C, letter R and letter L -- for Center, Right, Left - the dot represents pass. We started off with 5 fat quarters each and we played with three die - each person rolled and if you got a dot, a C and an R - you put one fat quarter in the center and passed one fat quarter to your right --- if you rolled three C's - you put three fat quarters in the center pot. This was a fun game - it went fairly quickly and the pot grew quickly as did some individual stashes but soon enough, only one person was left with any fabric at all and that was Mary Ellen -- Lucky gal - she got that big pile of fat quarters to add to her stash!

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