Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Pillowcases for Hope Lodge

This past Sunday was a great day to get together and stitch some pillow cases for the Patrick Taylor Hope Lodge in New Orleans. Donelle and Mary Ellen were great at pulling together fabrics, cutting and pressing them and stacking them for our sewers.

We had a room full of sergers - Dawn, Janet, Paula, Colleen and Rick, well not so much for Rick since his serger was not cooperating that day but he gave Dawn a break by using her serger a bit.

When all was said and one, we had a stack of 103 pillow cases for Hope Lodge.
Here was Cindy and Hope Lodge Associate Director, Susan McMillan accepting the 103 pillow cases at the Hope Lodge! Fore more information about Hope Lodge or volunteering at Hope Lodge, visit their website: http://www.cancer.org/docroot/subsite/hopelodge/LA_NewOrleans/pt_index.asp
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Quilts of Valour finish

While at Donell's house this past weekend to stitch pillow cases, she pulled out the completed Quilts of Valour quilt with the red and blue four patches we all created a while back. Doesn't it look fantastic!
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Monday, March 1, 2010

Great site for bag patterns

Are you looking for some bag patterns - look no further - this site has quite a few links to some great bag patterns, totes, purses etc... with photos which makes your stitching project that much easier. Go take a look: http://frugalandthriving.com.au/2009/45-awesome-free-bag-making-tutorials/