Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Love Blocks Projects

Another project the Stitchin Sistas are undertaking is the Love Blocks project headed by Jayne. Members create blocks with the theme of "hearts". Blocks are collected and saved for future use to create a quilt for loved one that may be in need of a comforting quilt during a medical or family crisis. Heart blocks created by our members in April and May 2009 are showcased above.

Quilts of Valor Project

One of our ongoing projects headed by Colleen is the Quilts of Valor which are patriotic themed quilts created for veterans of the Armed Forces. Currently there are two quilts in progress which you can see in the photos to the right. The second photo features blocks with embroidery and applique.

Monday, June 8, 2009

2008 Holiday Party

Stitchin Sistas group 2008 Holiday Dinner Party.